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 1. Recently uploaded Video

How double helical structure replicates protein -upload March,4/2025-.
The protein replication by using tissues of different chirality -upload Feb,1/2025-.
A comprehensive understanding of the origin of life -upload Aug/24, 2024-.
Evolution of proein synthesis and that of inelligence -upload July,25/2024-.
Origin and evolution of meabolism -upload June,25/2024-.
The cell membrane as the stage for the early evolution of life-upload May,25/2024-.
Magnetism of islated running chrged particles-upload May,12/2024-.
Introduction to Molecular Biology of Gene-upload Dec.30/2023-.
Why is the Earth's rotation axis tilted?-upload May/17, 2023-.
Long term climate changes in 26,000-years cycle due to precession of the Earth-upload Sep,19/2022-.
Evening rain shower in summer of Japan has been recently become seldom , upload Sep/3, 2022.
What happen when mixing iron powder with carbonated water , upload Aug/8, 2022.
Influence of the Solar Wind on Climate and Ancient Civilizations , upload May/20, 2022.
Effect of solar wind on typhoon, upload May/19, 2022.
The long-term climate change caused by Earth's precession-upload March,31/2022-.
Bubble-bubble interactions of CO2 seen in carbonated water , upload June.21/2022-.
Metabolic intermolecular interactions in the membrane of bubble -upload June.21/2022-.
Chemical evolutions in membranes formed on the surface of water on the early Earth, -upload July.16/2021-.
Formation and evolution of neural circuits-Evolution of early life by membranes-,-upload March.20/2022-.
Mechanism of daily change in geomagnetism. ,-upload April.15/2021-.
The mechanism by which the wind of a typhoon rotates…,
-upload April/15 2021-.
Origin of life (生命誕生1),
-upload Aug.2/2010-.
Observations of cluster of water in the vicinity of ice of carbonated water
-upload Feb.02/2015-.

2.Presentations at Academic Conference

[48th Sociaty for the Study of the Origin and Evolution of Life Japan, 2024]
Manufacturring a Rover by using Raspberry Pi and Pospects of Astro Tchnology -2024年3月28日Presented-
[Presenation in JpGU2023 meeting]
Origin of DNA and origin of gentic code-upload May.21/2023-.
Rotating axial tilt of planet derived from precessionofthe planet-upload May.21/202-.
[ 47th, Society for the Study of the Origin and Evolution of Life Japan. 2023]
Evolution of molecular system to replicate proteins by using chirality.-upload May.21/2023-.
[Presentation in JpGU2022 meeting]
Influence of solar wind on the Earth’s climate and the ancient civilizations -May/22, 2022. upload-
Effects of solar wind on typhoon-upload May.22/2022-.
Phenomena by magnetic coupling of high-speed charged particles in the solar wind- upload May.22/2022-.
[Presentation in JpGU2021 meeting]
Understanding the behavior of charged particles in plasma by vector potential
-April/27, 2021 upload-
The effects of solar wind on the atmosphere that moves arounds the whole Earth-uplod Apr.27/2021-.
[Presentation in JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting, 2017 PPS10-P20]
Validation on the scenario of the formation of asteroid belt bydeuterium fusion explosion of Jupiter-like planet -May/25, 2022. upload-

Mail to Shinji Karasawa [shinji-karasawa@kbh.biglobe.ne.jp]