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Sec.2.8 Reconstruction of Modern Science through Realism

2.8.1 Why were Jewish physicists who constructed quantum mechanics persecuted by the Nazis

 Quantum mechanics was not obtained by extrapolating known theories. The construction of quantum mechanics was built on reality. In founding quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle was discussed, which states that it is impossible to accurately measure both position and momentum at the same time.
 A physical state of an electron is expressed by a wave function, and Schrödinger's wave equation allows us to obtain the physical quantity by the operation of observation. In the steady state with the observed boundary conditions, quantized physical quantities are obtained. However, these quantum mechanics calculations do not explain the process on the state transition.
 N. Bohr (1885-1962), E. Schrödinger (1887-1961), W. Heitler (1904-1981), and others who created such quantum physics were Jewish physicists and realists. So, it is considered that they were able to establish quantum mechanics. The founders of quantum mechanics, who were top of in the physics world at the time, did not like the rise of Nazi hegemonism because Jewish realistic concept differs from idealistic concept of Nazism. The Nazism included an aspect of jealousy that possessed the identity of the devil. The totalitarian Nazi persecuted individualistic Jews as there enemy. So, Jewish physicists were forced to flee to empiricist Britain and the United States.  

2.8.2 Revolution from analog technology to digital technology

 The classical mechanics was established by Newton based on observations. It was accepted to the empirical traditional of England. At that time, it was not accepted by the rationalists of the European tradition. The classical mechanics was accepted through the practicality of its theory. On the other hand, quantum mechanics is not easy to calculate, so many people understood through not by calculations but the explanations.
 The digitalization progressed in the field of information processing technology at the latter half of the 20th century. Many analog engineers who handled data as continuous linear had change as digital engineer who handled as state transition. With the development of artificial intelligence, it has come to be understood that human recognition is carried out as state transitions.
 Renaissance was a movement in the 14th century sought to return church-centered culture to realist Greek culture. It was a change of point viewpoint to reality. In the latter half of the 20th century, in the era of space development, classical sciences based on the doctrine of causality flourished in the fields of astronomy and space development research. In underdeveloped countries, research is conducted by extrapolating existing knowledge by learning theoretically first. Eventually, in the 21st century, the number of scientific papers increased and became more difficult to understand, so many people moved away from the field of science.

2.8.3 Reconstruct modern science by the revolution from analog to digital
-Reconstruction needs to swipe out trend of totalitarian and anti-realism-

 The construction of a new science must be conducted from the bottom up with a front-facing view of the phenomenon without preconceived notions. However, traditional scholars who like theory neglect the reports of experimental facts and rejected new scientific paper as unlearning unless the conventional esoteric findings are listed. There is not lot of reports in the new field such as activities of beginning of life.
 The behavior of the dogmatic scholars such as astrobiologist who seize power in the current academic society, make enemies and attack them a masse seems to be a glimpse of German Nazism and the Chinese Red Guards.
  Bearing in mind that the Renaissance was based on realism, new research with various concept should be evaluated. We should stop the tide of totalitarian anti-realism that seeks to gain power in the scientific community.  

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