Home page of Shinji Karasawa for Pioneers

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 1. Origins of Science and Modern Science
  Even if it is an intellectual activity,, there is a problem to activate intelligence unlimitedly. The intellectual activity in the brain is carried out in the neocortex using language, but the activity of information processing in the associative cortex is not directly related to the real world. The activity of thinking tends to suppress activities of the limbic system, and science tends to suppress instincts as living beings. The limbic system is located between the cerebral cortex and the brainstem, including the diencephalon, and is involved in the integration of independent responses such as emotions, memory, primitive senses, The limbic system is essential for sustaining life in real life. If we leave our judgment to the social trends or artificial intelligence (AI), there is a risk that our judgment will become extreme.
The risk of human intelligence existed with the inception of civilization. The sentence "refrain from extremes" had been dedicated to a temple of ancient Greece .
In the Old Testament, there is a story called “the Tower of Babel”. It is understood as "the result of human irreverence.". It can be considered to indicate the rise and fall of civilizations that is formed by words. At first, everyone lived together in cooperation using the same language, but eventually humans became irreverent due to competition between them, and they took the name "Gate of the Gods" [Bab Ili], and later the place name became "Babylon" [1]. Once the people of “Gate of the Gods” had begun building a tall tower with the idea of "Building a tower that reaches to the heavens and thereby making our name famous “. however, because he got too close to God on the way, he incurred the wrath of God. And the language became incomprehensible, and the society was destroyed。
As for "the intelligence of human being", the words left by the people who loved the wisdom (sophia) of ancient Greece (philein) are helpful. Heraclitus, the founder of the natural sciences, said, "No one can wash his feet with the same water again, because everything is in flux and changing.".
Every substance adapts to the environment, cells adapt to the environment in the body, and organisms adapt to the ecosystem. Thus, all things change, the history on environment is shared to individual existence. However, the information remains the same. If every human being does the same thing over again, the society will break down. Modern times are looking for pioneers in new fields. There are many unexplored areas in the real world.
-last modified August 11,2024- 

1. Paradigm shift in perception from analog to digital -Formation of Intelligence by Quantized Information -https://youtu.be/O50Jf5RPzpg -upload Dec 15, 2024-

   -Prospect of hilosophy-
Sec.1.1 Eastern and Western Ethics and Realism
Sec.1.2 First step of science Both uphill and downhill are the same.
Sec.1.3 Science and the real worldy Science is in the Logos.
Sec.1.4 Plato's academy Ignorant of mathematics does not enter
Sec.1.5 A key to open the science on real orldy 1 plus 1 is not 2.-modified Nov 25,2022-

2. Targets of pioneers
- Origins of planets and Origins of life -
 One of the issues that needs to be addressed today is the origin of life. In order to elucidate the origin of life, it is necessary to clarify the formation process of the solar system as an environment at that time. ( Please click the bottan of Sec.)
Sec. 2.1 Origin of the planets The comparatve planetary based on condensed matter physics -last ied Apri 3, 2023-

Sec. 2.2 Magnetism due to moving particles iVector potential of moving particle -upload May 2,,2024-
Sec 2.3 Atmosphere that orbits planet Motion of atmosphere by solar wind -modified Sep19,2022-
Sec. 2.4 Geomagnetism of Jupiter Blocking of auroras by the Great red spot -upload June26,2021-
Sec. 2.5 Lakes of methane in the Titan Titan's atmospheric superrotation -upload July3,2021-

Sec. 2.6 Origin of life Evolution of protein-making system by internal symbiosis -upload Aug17,2021-
Sec. 2.7 Evolution of the creature Evolution by division of labor in a single cell -upload Aug17, 2021-
Sec.2.8 Reconstruction of modern science through realism-Revolution needs swipe out neo Nazism- -upload Dec 9,2022-
The origin of life that spelled out in images.PDF -
last modified Nov16,2024-

Chemical evolutions in the water on the early Earth - Presentation Video at NoRCELL 2021-

[Peer-reviewed published papers]
"Function Inspired Structures of Proto-Ribosome and the First Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase;, ",Geol Earth Mar Sci Volume 5(8): 1–3. https://doi.org/10.31038/gems.2023581
"Formation of Terrestrial Planets from the Viewpoints of Astrophysics and Material Science – Formation of Planetesimals by Chemical Reactions at Contact Points between Solids ", Geol Earth Mar Sci, Volume 5(2): 1–6, 2023  DOI: 10.31038/GEMS.2023522
"Origin of Life in the Water of the Earth ", Geol Earth Mar Sci, Vol.5(1):1-7, 2023, DOI: 10.31038/GEMS.2023511
"Earliest BIF and Life Produced via Submarine Volcanism in Carbonated Seawater", Geol Earth Mar Sci, Volume 4(2): 1–5, 2022. "https://doi.org/10.31038/gems.2022424
"Effects of Solar Wind on Earth’s Climate", Geol Earth Mar Sci, Volume 4(2): 1–5, 2022. https://doi.org/10.31038/gems.2022421
"How rings of outer planets formed and why the rotating axis of icy planets tilted" Academia Letters, Article 4996, 2022.
"Prebiotic reactions in the bubble that was formed in carbonated water by iron atoms", Viva Origino, Vol.42 (No.3) 2014.
"Impulse circuits for a distributed control inspired by the neutroanatomical structure of a cerebellum" Intelligent engineering systems through artificisl neuralnetworks, Vol 10, pp.185-190, ASME press, 2000.
"Origin of Piezoelectricity in an α-Quartz", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.13 No.5 799-803.1974.

[Recently uploaded videos and conference presentations]-last modified March.4, 2025-

[Reference books]
[1] NHK Interview team, Journey to lost time -NHK Heritage coverage for the future -, Japan Broadcasting Publishers Association, 1974.
[2] Translated by Mehlika Seval by Sarman Mariko, Explore Ephesus, Minyatur Publications, ISBN 975-7647-11-X.
Mail to Shinji Karasawa [shinji-karasawa@kbh.biglobe.ne.jp]